Office of Marriage and Family

Marriage Preparation

Marriage Preparation

Congratulations on your engagement and on your decision to create a sacramental marriage in the Catholic Church. The Church has developed programs and processes designed to lead you in a prayerful journey of discernment during this time.

All sacramental preparation starts with the local parish.

Please contact your pastor so that he or his designate can assist you with gathering the necessary papers. This is standard for all couples including those getting married outside the diocese. Please plan on 3-6 months of preparation time.

Marriage Preparation (Pre-Cana)

Marriage preparation (pre-cana) requirements in the Diocese of Salt Lake include first and foremost, meeting with your pastor. When your pastor (or designate) informs you to begin registering for your marriage preparation classes, you will need to register for the following:

  • Natural Family Planning Intro Session (see calendar of classes below)
  • Marriage Preparation weekend retreat (through Catholic Engaged Encounter)


Natural Family PlanningTo Have, To Hold, To Honor

An NFP intro session is required for all couples getting married in the diocese.

All Diocesan NFP Program practitioners have been trained through a certified, and approved program. 

The Natural Family Planning Intro Session's Calendar and links to register can be found here (English only):

 - Natural Family Planning Intro Sessions Calendar

Registration is required!

If you cannot attend an in-person NFP Intro Session, please contact your Pastor for approval to complete an online Intro Session.

*If you have Spanish only couples, contact the Family Life Office


NOTE: The Intro Session through Intermountain FertilityCare Services does NOT meet the Diocesan requirement for NFP.


Learn More About NFP and Catholic Teaching 


Catholic Engaged EncounterSacrament of Marriage

Get information and register for a Catholic Engaged Encounter weekend retreat, by going to their website here- 

- Salt Lake City Catholic Engaged Encounter

*English Only

Feeling a little hesitant?

Enjoy this short YouTube video on Catholic Engaged Encounter.

For those who are unable to participate in a Catholic Engaged Encounter weekend due to job schedules, childcare issues, or military service, you can participate in an online program with approval from your pastor. Reach out to the Family Life Office for more information. Please be advised that the program costs more than a Catholic Engaged Encounter (CEE) weekend.


For those couples that need marriage prep in Spanish, please contact the Family Life Office.


For those couples already civilly married, but are seeking a Church wedding, and do not need to attend a Catholic Engaged Encounter weekend retreat, you can get that preparation by going here-  Catholic Marriage Prep - Convalidations. Click on "Course Info" and scroll down to Convalidation.

Pray the Rosary for Engaged Couples in Light of Amoris Laetitia

In the Year of St. Joseph, a Decree issued by the Apostolic Penitentiary on December 8, 2020 on the granting of Indulgences states that the special gift of a Plenary Indulgence will be granted under various conditions, including "the recitation of the Holy Rosary in families and among engaged couples." A beautiful gift!  

 Until December 8, 2021, engaged couples will be able to obtain a Plenary Indulgence by reciting the Holy Rosary and fulfilling the usual conditions (sacramental confession, Holy Communion and prayer for the intentions of the Holy Father: Our Father, Hail Mary).  

Rosary for the Engaged

Other Marriage Preparation Resources
