Pastoral Plan

Pastoral Plan


The Pastoral Plan clearly outlines our goals for the next
five years for the Catholic Diocese of Salt Lake City. 

Our mission is to believe, celebrate and live the
redeeming love of Our Lord Jesus Christ in Utah. 

What is a pastoral plan and why do we need one?

A diocesan pastoral plan establishes a Christ-centered vision for our diocese. The plan reflects the vision and hopes of the bishop, the principal shepherd and teacher of the Catholic community in the diocese, but it is arrived at in community. We are living in a time of many changes and transitions. It is vital that we as a Church community come together, talk about who we are as church, and how we can work together as we move into the future. As the Body of Christ, we need to pray about our goals for the future. With the wisdom of the Holy Spirit guiding us, we must think about planning actions that will help us move closer to this Christ-centered vision. 

What are our goals?

Our overall goal is to create, implement and evaluate our diocesan pastoral plan while considering the vitality and sustainability of the diocese. Other goals are:

  1. To deepen relationships and encourage a community dialogue around mission
  2. To educate everyone about the diocese as the “local church”
  3. To encourage participation in various ministries.


How will we put all of this into action?

An action plan must be concrete and practical. People must be accountable and we will need resources to move forward on the plans that evolve from the process. Because we are a pilgrim community of disciples following Christ, we are continually growing, changing and becoming a clearer reflection of our Lord in this land and in this time.
