Catholic Foundation of Utah

Catholic Community Services

Mrs. Walter E. Cosgriff established this endowment to benefit CCS community programs including the Saint Vincent de Paul Center.

This endowment was established to provide for the general needs and purposes of Catholic Community Services.

This endowment was established by Deacon George W. Reade and Mary A. Magie Reade to provide an annual source of income to Catholic Community Services for care of the homeless.

Frank and Pamela Joklik created this endowment in 2003, to provide a source of income for Catholic Community Services of Utah to better serve the needs of the homeless and disadvantaged.

Ray Daly established this permanently restricted fund with the remainder of a charitable gift annuity. The purpose is to provide an annual source of income to be used for Catholic Community Services of Utah.

This endowment was established by the estate of Debra L. Adams. The purpose of this endowment is to equally benefit the Cathedral of the Madeleine and Catholic Community Services of Utah, CCS, for the most urgent needs of the Cathedral and CCS.

Established by John E. Lackstrom, this endowment was provides equally for the general needs and purposes of Catholic Community Services.

Irene C. Sweeney established this endowment to provide financial support for Saint Vincent de Paul Center/Catholic Community Services.

John E. Lackstrom established this endowment to benefit Catholic Community Services Northern Utah for all general needs and purposes; there is hope there will be an emphasis on benefitting those who have learned English as a Second Language/ESL.

John E. Lackstrom established this endowment to benefit Catholic Community Services of Utah for all general needs and purposes; there is hope there will be an emphasis on benefitting those who have learned English as a Second Language/ESL.

Jon and Karen Huntsman created this endowment in January 1992. Income provides food, shelter and clothing for the homeless in Utah and is directed to the Saint Vincent de Paul Center.

The purpose of the fund is to provide food, shelter, and clothing to homeless persons and other persons who by reason of condition of poverty or otherwise are in need of such assistance; provided, however, that for so long as the Saint Vincent de Paul Center shall have need of funds to provide food, clothing, and shelter to homeless persons in the state of Utah, all income derived from the fund will be directed to the Saint Vincent de Paul Center for such purposes.

Josephine Divver established this endowment to provide support equally for the Utah Rural Mission Churches and Catholic Community Services.

This endowment was established by Loretta J. Miller. The purpose of this endowment is to provide financial assistance for the maintenance and improvements to Saint Jude’s Maronite Catholic Church.

The Catholic Foundation of Utah Trustees established this endowment to honor Pamela J. Atkinson and to provide financial support for Catholic Community Services.

Established by James and Antoinette Schofield, the purpose of this endowment is to provide financial support equally for the Saint Martha’s Baby Project that assists Mothers and Children in need in both Cedar City, Utah and Catholic Community Services of Utah.

Ted and Nellie Kirkmeyer established this endowment for the benefit of Marillac House, Saint Vincent de Paul Center, Weigand Resource Center and Saint Mary Home for Men.

The first endowment was established by John Price and the late Peggy Meagher Price. Proceeds are distributed by the diocesan bishop. Two additional endowments were established in 2011 to benefit Catholic Community Services and Judge Memorial Catholic High School.

Reverend Monsignor Terence M. Moore established two endowments (one permanently restricted and one temporarily restricted) to provide a source of income for Catholic Community Services for the purchase of food and other necessary items for the homeless served at the Saint Vincent de Paul Center in Salt Lake City.
