Office of Safe Environment

Ministry to the Sick Training

Training for Ministers of Holy Communion for the Sick

SELECT "EM II: MINISTRY TO THE SICK" to begin training

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Safe Environment compliance in the Diocese of Salt Lake City is a prerequisite to ministering to the sick or homebound (vulnerable adults). The training provides a basic awareness of what to look for if there is reason to believe the person/vulnerable adult is being abused. Certification is required every three (3) years.

The training is a brief overview of the following:

  • Definition of Vulnerable Adult
  • Mental Capacity Assessment
  • What is Adult Abuse
  • Types of Abuse
  • Reporting Abuse and Sharing of Information

The training requires a background screening; in accordance with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). All diocesan personnel and volunteers must comply with diocesan policies and with applicable state and local laws. 
